Media-ID: 2925


Silas Kropf and Éva Ádám


Silas Kropf and Éva Ádám at a meeting of the Amaro Drom project "Dikhen amen! See us!" in June 2018 in Berlin. The project "Dikhen amen!" is about empowering young Roma and Sinti (gender-sensitive: Rom*nja and Sinti*zze) and raising awareness of non-Rom*nja or non-Sinti*zze about specific racism. Silas Kropf is a German Sinto and a long-time board member of Amaro Drom. Éva Ádám is Hungarian Romni and has been working as pedagogical director in the project "Dikhen amen!" since 2017. In the youth association Amaro Drom, young Rom*nja and Sinti*zze have been working together with young non-Rom*nja and non-Sinti*zze for social participation and against racism since 2006. Many of them have a migration history. Their parents fled to Germany during the Balkan wars or came to Germany as so-called "guest workers". Others are Sinti*zze. They have been a part of German society for more than 600 years. There are also Rom*nja whose ancestors immigrated to Germany 150 years ago. Making Rom*nja and Sinti*zze visible in their diversity and as a natural part of society is one of the goals of Amaro Drom.


Photo credit: Marie Presecan - The pictures are free for editorial use with attribution. For other uses, simply contact us.

Original file

Gesellschaftsbilder © Marie Presecan_2.jpg


14.21 MB

Size at 300 dpi

43.89 x 29.26 cm





Date of creation


