Media-ID: 4267


Stefan Wilke Managing Director of QuikStep GmbH


Seeing Stefan Wilke with his wife Christel Wilke having a summer chat standing up and the long stick is just there. The disability and the aid used, in this case the long stick, are accepted as a normal part of life. No more and no less.

Alt Text (Image Description)

A man in a blue shirt and long stick in hand speaks to a smiling woman in a patterned blouse.


Picture credits: Foto Fabry

Images are released for editorial use with attribution. For further usage just contact us.

Original file

Wilke Christel und Stefan stehen in der Sonne und plaudern er hält den Langstock vor sich 20220719_0737.jpg


3.73 MB

Size at 300 dpi

69.36 x 46.26 cm

Date of creation

20220719 - 20220719 - 20220719 - 20220719


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